Design for a Vegetable and Herb Garden
Edible GardenThis small London garden demonstrates how a vegetable patch can be a thing of beauty. The owner wanted to grow a small selection of edible crops and herbs but without loosing entertaining space or an attractive garden. The design features a central dining square as well as a raised seating area that echoes the curve of the existing hedge. Around these spaces, low box hedging creates planting areas for a selection of salad crops and vegetables. This helps define beds for crop rotation and gives a strong ‘green architecture’ element which adds interest to the garden even in winter when crops are absent. Additional planting includes picturesque herbs which add to the ornamental potager theme. Also, a cream beehive-style composter adds a practical element in an attractive guise. The hard landscaping is of red brick which matches that of the house walls and gives the garden a sense of ‘belonging’. |